Project details

Check out the video from our installation here: All Sports

Completed: July 2021
Panels: 112 x REC Twin Peak 355w Solar Panels

Sungrow 30kw Inverter

Allsports Indoor Smeaton Grange is an indoor sports complex providing team sports facilities for indoor Cricket, Netball and Soccer and other games. The centre also operates fun facilities such as Inflatable World Narellan, Macarthur’s biggest pop up playground, and children’s sports education through Little Kickers and Rise Cricket Academy. 

Inspire Energy recently completed a commercial solar installation using premium REC twin peak solar panels, a Sungrow inverter and Clenergy Australia solar mounting. The site is monitored via solar analytics solar monitoring platform.

The Commercial Solar Installation completed by Inspire Energy for all sports Narellan will provide up to 90% of the sites daytime consumption needs. Inspire Energy has been installing commercial solar systems since 2008 and is proud to work with industry leading products to deliver this project for All Sports Narellan.